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Economic Planning and Development


RM of Prince Albert No. 461

Northern Village of Île-à-la-Crosse

RM of Blucher No. 343

RMs of Mervin No. 499, Frenchman Butte No. 501, Parkdale No. 498, and Turtle River No. 469, Town of Turtleford, and Villages of Glaslyn, Mervin,

and Edam

Town of Fort Qu’Appelle, RM of North Qu’Appelle No. 187, Resort Village of B-Say-Tah, Resort Village of District of Katepwa, Resort Village of Fort San, Village of Lebret, and Village of Lipton

RM of Hart Butte No.11, RM of Poplar Valley No. 12, RM of Willow Bunch No. 42, RM of Old Post No. 43, RM of Stonehenge No. 73, Town of Coronach, and Town of Rockglen

Northern Village of Buffalo Narrows

RM of Gull Lake No. 139

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